Julia Tanner and Beth Easter — Cello and Story: An Autumn/Thanksgiving Surprise

Speaker Friday, November 17, 2023

Join us this Friday, November 17th at 7:15am for our weekly Green Hill Rotary Club meeting. Our special guests will be Julia Tanner and Beth Easter, who will present “Cello and Story: An Autumn/Thanksgiving Surprise.”

Julia and Beth’s presentation will focus on nurturing thankfulness in our hearts through story and music. Julia Tanner was the assistant principal cellist with the Nashville Symphony from 1978 to 2015 and also taught at several local universities. She has performed on numerous recordings and continues to pursue her musical and artistic passions.

Beth Easter is a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and Certífied Sexual Addictíon Therapist. Mrs. Easter’s experience in the field of addictíons spans 25+ years. She is currently in private practíce providing individual counseling, family counseling,  interventíon training, and facilitatíon. She holds a Master of Arts in Reading/Storytelling with a concentratíon in Storytelling from East TN State University (ETSU).

We look forward to welcoming Julia, Beth, and hearing their stories and music as we approach the Thanksgiving season. The meeting will take place in the Boy Scout Service Center at 7:15am on Friday, November 17th. Please join us for what promises to be an uplifting and inspirational morning.

 Our Current Speaker Schedule

Recent and Future Speakers

11/15/24Matthew Bourlakis, CEO Goodwill
11/22/24Friends Life
11/29/24No meeting — Have a Great Thanksgiving
12/6/24Harry Allen — CFO Belmont University
12/13/24Craig Coyle — Operation Lead
12/20/24Christmas Break
12/27/24New Years Break
1/3/25Sarah Martino — Nashville Adult Literacy

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