Alex Langerman, M.D., Surgeon — “Value of Recording and Data Science in Surgery”

Speaker Friday, December 8, 2023

Transforming Surgery for the Future

The Green Hills Rotary Club will hold its weekly meeting on Friday, December 8th at 7:15am. We are excited to welcome Dr. Alexander Langerman, head and neck surgeon and researcher at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, as our guest speaker.

Dr. Langerman’s talk is titled “Transforming Surgery for the Future.” He will discuss how recording and analyzing surgical procedures can lead to safer, more efficient surgeries with better patient outcomes. However, there are ethical, legal, and technical barriers that must be addressed first. Dr. Langerman will outline these hurdles and propose solutions to overcome them. He will also give his vision for the future of surgery.

Dr. Alexander Langerman is a head and neck surgeon and researcher studying the operating room through the lens of innovation, ethics, and data science. He is an associate professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and widely published in operating room efficiency, surgical recording, and doctor-patient communication. More about his work can be found at

Visitors are welcome at our weekly 7:15 am Friday meetings where we network, serve the community, and learn about our complex world. Please join us to hear Dr. Langerman’s insightful perspectives on improving surgery.CopyRetry

 Our Current Speaker Schedule

4/12/24Thomas Gooch — “Our Fathers House”
4/19/24Barb Izzo “Polio Plus – Why I’m A Supporter”
5/3/24Casey Campbell, Principal “Our Vision At Cockrill Elementary School”
5/10/24Sara Figel, Director, Nashville Conflict Center
5/17/24The Intersection of Business and Sustainability and how to Benefit from It
5/24/24No Meeting. Have a great Memorial Day
5/31/24Bob Whitson — “Civil War Artifacts and Background”

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